Thursday, February 21, 2008

Pulling it all together

OK Lord what are you doing...for some reason I always seem to be catching up. When I finally "get" something - I go "you should have seen this years ago!" Well, it's all culminating right now in this thing I call my life. Passion, sacrifice, responsibility, insight - a desire to live a life deeper in the Spirit. A call from "religion" to living for Jesus - there is a marked difference - I've always known that. Wonder what kind of "trouble" that's going to bring?

My life has always seemed thematic. I guess everyone's is. We all go through certain stages - I assume! My theme right now is "the poor", spiritual formation (not necessarily the trendy kind) and care less what people "think" about me and just do what God has called me to do.

The chess pieces are being laid out. The Lord is preparing me for something...what is it? Not quite sure...I can't even say that I'm ready...but I can say I'm willing. No better place to be than in the center of God's will!

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