Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Losing Weight

I've never really struggled with weight! However, I wouldn't say I am fit either. Over the last few years I have just put on a pound or so at a time. Gradual, slow...moved from a 34 to a 36...belt buckle out 1 then 2 notches. 200! wow I've never been 200 before but it's right there...the scales must be getting old. 203...204...well it's not that much over 200. Finally the boys in the office say that's enough! No more multi-day weeks of eating out...stuffing ourselves on wild wings. Biggest Loser here we come. Let's make it interesting...there's a $50 entry fee...biggest loser takes the pot!

What's funny is I don't care about the money. I've saved more than that in not eating out! I feel better and best of all I'm not really starving myself. It's gratifying - 2, 3, 4lbs each week. Total of 18+ so far. We still have 10 weeks to go. I'm back down to almost about 180, that was my goal 170 too far to reach?

This whole weight thing reminds me of sin. As Casting Crowns puts it, it's a Slow Fade. Daily it's hardly noticable, even weekly not much of a change. All of a sudden, I am deep in sin. How did I get here? It's a Slow Fade. Never intended to end up THERE! Just a little at a time...Satan's ploy pulls me in further until it's noticeable, then for some, it's too late because it seems too far to get back. Getting back is easier than you think because Jesus has already done it. What an awesome weight(sin)-loss "program"!

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