Saturday, July 02, 2005

Peace and Quiet

I love it down here. Time seems to stand still. I know it really doesn't...time itself does move on, but the pace is so much slower. I have been coming to southern Kentucky since I was a boy. Both of my parents grew up here and we made several visits a year. Many of the trips I deemed as "boring" - oh I enjoyed playing with all the cousins but when they weren't around things got awfully still. But now I relish the slower pace that I seem to find when I come. It's 10 AM on the Saturday before the 4th of family has been up for 2 hours. My cousins, with whom we are staying were in a bad accident 2 weeks ago so we are trying to be as quiet as we can so as not to disturb them. Still yet, sleeping until 8 o'clock is a big feat for me. A lot of it had to do with the basement - dark, cool, quiet...well, I am looking forward to spending time with my extended family this weekend. Kids are waking up...not quiet any more :)

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