Thursday, March 03, 2005

25 Days And Counting!!!

Wow, what a month! I can't be sure but this may go down as my busiest month ever! There are only 28 days! My last post I mentioned I was sick - well thanks to the vaccine shortage, I didn't get my flu shot this year. But I DID get the flu - how convenient! I was in bed for a week! Tried to get out on Thursday of that week and it relapsed worse.

That Thursday night Michalie came and wanted to talk about becoming a Christian. So I put on my "I'm feeling better" face and we talked for about an hour and a half! What an awesome night! After we shared for about an hour about God's love and our state of being lost and away from Him, we prayed and cried and she made the decision to be baptized! AWESOME!!!!! She wanted to invite grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles. It also happened to be "Children's Ministry" Sunday that day...what an awesome feeling - to baptize your child into Christ!!! She's yours Lord, she always has been...I am just trying to not mess her up while you've entrusted her to me:)

I stumbled around for a week getting ready for Winterfest - still with no energy and a huge cough!!! Winterfest was awesome! But my "flu" relapsed again!!! I had planned on taking some vacation time the week after anyway...but I didn't plan on it being in bed!!! AGAIN!

We had a great weekend at NC. A very encouraging planning and vision weekend! Lots of good things going on here! God is definitely at work!

Well that is the last month in a nutshell -

God is definitely at work in my life...He's grinding me through some things right now...maybe on the other side I can see what He had in mind :) Isn't that the way it always is...try as I might - I just can't seem to get a hold on His perspective when I am going "through it"!

1 comment:

  1. "God is definitely at work in my life...He's grinding me through some things right now...maybe on the other side I can see what He had in mind :) Isn't that the way it always is...try as I might - I just can't seem to get a hold on His perspective when I am going "through it"!"

    Well, just summed up the last couple months in my life in a nice, neat little paragraph. It is cool - to get to the other side and BEGIN to see what He was/is doing! He always knows best!!
