Saturday, February 05, 2005

Cat Story -Part 2

It had only been 4 or 5 hours since Maleah had received her cat for an early birthday present. She had it in her room playing and I walked in. She was holding the kitten tightly against her chest and she looked up at me and said, "Daddy, this is the third best day in my life". I was a bit puzzled. You mean I had gone to all this trouble and expense of getting this thing and surprising her with the one thing that she had repeatedly asked for since she could talk and it only ranked third!!! I had been outdone by some Polly-Pocket or other goofy toy - I should have just gone to McDonalds to get a Happy Meal!

Fortunately, my external reaction was a bit more subdued. I knelt down and and said, "The third best day of your life, Maleah?"

As she pet Sadie (that's the kitten's name) on the head and under the chin - it's so small both can be done at once, she looked me in the eye and said "My first best day will be when I get to heaven, and my second best day will be when I get married, so my third best day is today." I kept my composure long enough to reaffirm her priorities and walk out of the room. Then I wept.

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