Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Too Many For Bedtime

Last night, I was putting Maleah to bed. She is our middle child, the most introspective and thoughtful of my 3 children (at least at this point). I was kissing her good night and saying prayers. She was trying to decide which stuffed animal she wanted to take to bed with her. She finally picked one called it by name and said, "Dad, tomorrow night I will sleep with (I can't remember any of the names), then (another name)" and went on and on until she had named every stuffed animal on her shelves - believe me this was no small task. She has an 8 foot shelf full of stuffed, fury friends! As she went through every name I couldn't help but reflect on the fact that God knows me just as well - actually more so. He can call my name and know everything about me and wants me to know Him. Pretty humbling - the Creator - knows me.

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