Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A New Chapter

Pulling out of our driveway in Indiana was a surreal experience. Having spent the week before making final preparations and packing essentials to make the journey to St. Louis, our bodies knew we were going but our minds were still catching up. Saying good-bye the day before to all the folks we had worshipped and worked with for the last 13 years and to our families had jolted us into reality. We had learned that morning that our house had sold as we finished packing the final bags for our temporary stay with the Gillespies. Many mixed emotions filled our minds and thoughts as we made our way down I-70. The prevalent thought that kept running through my mind was how God had made the path smooth for our transition. Everything had come together in a way that left no doubt He was in control. Although there were and are many unknowns still ahead, He has been at every turn to guide our way.

As we pulled into the Gillespie’s driveway, the sound I heard as I opened my car door was Kristie saying “Welcome home!” As we read e-mails, had phone conversations, ate in homes, worshipped with you Sunday morning and began our work here, the constant theme has been “Welcome home!” Thank you. Thank you for opening your arms to us and making this feel like home to our family.

We covet your prayers, not just during this time of transition but from now on as we have and will be praying for you. We look forward to getting to know each of you and pulling up our sleeves and working together in God’s Kingdom as we serve families and teens here at Lafayette.

Because of the Cross,

Mike and Lee Ann